A large, national aged care provider was looking to implement a corporate leadership development program spanning all leadership levels. Its leaders were located across 4 states, and there was a mix of experience and leadership capability across the cohort.
Leaders participating: ~200 from frontline leaders through to executives
Locations: 5
Length of project: 18 months
After an extensive review and selection process, Trevor-Roberts was chosen to develop and deliver the leadership program with 3 main objectives:
1. Gain a common understanding of what good leadership looks like in the organisation
2. Identify the priority areas for development
3. Develop and deliver training and development activities based on the priority areas.
Trevor-Roberts split the delivery support into three main stages:
STAGE 1: Leadership Competency Framework
Trevor-Roberts drafted a leadership competency framework providing a starting point for leadership development and to create a common language for what good leadership looks like.
STAGE 2: Needs Analysis
Trevor-Roberts facilitated a workshop with executives and key stakeholders to discuss and agree on
- what good leadership looks like, and
- what were the major leadership skill gaps across the organisation.
STAGE 3: Leadership Training
Based on the needs analysis and in conjunction with our client, Trevor-Roberts designed a program of leadership training for Executives, Senior Leaders and Frontline Leaders to address identified leadership skill gaps. Importantly, the training hours were spread over a number of activities and time points, minimising the impact of training on the business and for ensuring that leaders are provided with ample time and opportunity to transfer learning to the workplace.
Key features of the training were:
- Face-to-face training, in full-day, half-day and 2-hour workshop to build engagement and a culture of learning
- Strong executive sponsorship and involvement to communicate importance of leadership development and enhance buy-in
- Consistency in concepts, models, tools and language across the three cohorts to build a shared understanding of leadership
- Use of homework activities between workshops (learning bites) to keep the content front-of-mind, encourage transfer of learning to the workplace and maintain momentum in the program.
During the training roll-out, COVID hit resulting in a significant redesign of some of the content delivery, replacing face-to-face workshops with multiple short webinars interspersed with learning activities. This was achieved with no reduction in participant satisfaction and within the original budget.
Participant ratings (average over program):
- Was the purpose of the program clear? 100% rated 4/5 or 5/5
- Were the workshop objectives achieved? 97% rated 4/5 or 5/5
- Did the facilitator have a very good knowledge of the workshop process and content? 99% rated 4/5 or 5/5
- How likely are you to recommend Trevor-Roberts workshops to your colleagues? 90% rated 8-10/10
What participants gained from the program (based on evaluations);
- New strategies to implement
- Skills to build trust and empathy
- Increased self-awareness
- Active listening skills
- Techniques and tools such as SCARF and ADKAR
- Better understanding of change
- Increased confidence and resilience
- Improved coaching skills
“After an extensive review and selection process, we engaged Trevor Roberts to develop and deliver our first ‘enterprise-wide’ leadership development program. Trevor Roberts worked closely with the Executive and HR team to develop a set of leadership competencies specifically tailored for our organisation and have since designed and implemented a comprehensive program to be rolled out over the next 18-24 months. This is not an off-the-shelf program and we are extremely pleased with the way Trevor Roberts have engaged, challenged and partnered with us. Trevor Roberts have been insightful and flexible in the design and implementation phase to cater for a three-tiered program to be delivered across a wide geographic region. Trevor Roberts have now delivered the first stage of the program to approximately 200 of our executives, senior leaders and managers and the feedback thus far has been fantastic…..exceeding expectations.”
- Human Resources Manager

Trevor-Roberts has provided career development, leadership and team development, and career transition/outplacement services for three decades.